CGC WILLIAM TRUMP ~ Commissioning scheduled January 24 2015


SHIELDPer bend sinister arrondi endorsed Argent and Azure, in chief a trident couped and erect, in base an anchor fouled counterchanged, all with a bordure Gules.

CRESTOn a wreath of the colors Argent and Azure, between two arms vambraced embowed Proper, hands grasping a chain with slack on the dexter side Gris pendant from the chain a faceted mullet Or surmounted at center with a smaller mullet of the first, ensigned above all by  five mullets in fess of the first.

SUPPORTERSTwo nautical flags (in saltire) on the dexter corner, the number nine flag and on the sinister corner, the number zero flag all Proper.

MOTTOA double-folded scroll Azure, doubled Gules, inscribed “ANCHORED IN SERVICE” in White letters.


SHIELD:  The shield is divided by a diagonal engrailed line representing the water and the land of Omaha beach in France where the D-Day Invasion took place and where William Trump performed his heroic deed.  The heraldic trident symbolizes Operation NeptuneThe anchor symbolizes the historic feat during which William Trump dragged an anchor and anchor line to shallow water while under fire, thereby providing a safety line for troops to follow and earning him the Silver Star.  The nautical signal flags nine and zero represent LCI(L) 90, the Coast Guard manned landing craft aboard which William Trump served aboard during his heroic deed. The five stars represent the five Battle Stars earned by LCI(L) during her WWII service.

CRESTThe armored embowed arms holding a chain are a heraldic depiction of William Trump’s strength and courage, providing a safety line for the troops to follow on Omaha Beach.  A gold mullet (star) represents the Silver Star he was awarded for his valorous actions.  The five silver stars above the crest are a salute to the five battle stars earned by LCI(L) during her World War II service.

SEALThe coat of arms as blazoned in full color on a white circular field within a dark blue designation band, edged with a gold roped border and bearing the name “USCGC WILLIAM TRUMP” at the top and “WPC 1111” at the base.

LT Jared A. Harlow   - CO

Ltjg Scott Nichols - XO

Ms. Collette A. Eddy -     Ship Sponsor

William Francis


Photo credit Tampa Bay Times